May 20-23, 2025
Montreal, Canada
Policies & Codes of conduct
You will find here the details about the sexual harassment policy and inter-ethnic relations, in addition to the dress code requested in the ModelICAO and the codes of conduct for the delegates, the faculty advisors, the head delegates and the guests. We ask participants to read and to provide special attention to the following policies and codes of conduct:
Policy on sexual harassment
The basic aim of this policy is to prevent sexual harassment made toward any person involved in the ModelICAO.. We wish to maintain a workplace free of any form of sexual harassment for everyone.
Sexual harassment is defined as a unilateral and unwanted sexual conduct. It consists of undue pressure on a person, or to obtain sexual favors or to ridicule his sexual characteristics and which has the effect of compromising his right to reasonable work conditions or right to dignity.
The following behaviors are considered sexual harassment:
Unwanted sexual interest considered as persistent or abusive;
Sexual notes, insults, allusions, jokes or comments infringing an environment conducive to work or study;
Verbal advances or insistent proposals to unwanted sex ;
Physical advances, touching, rubbing, pinching, unwanted kisses ;
Promises of reward or threats of reprisals, implicit or explicit, retaliation for the acceptance or refusal of a sexually oriented request;
Voyeurism or exhibitionism acts;
Physical violence orientated or imposition of unwanted sexual intimacy;
Any other demonstration juged offensive or unwanted.
Such behavior does not belong in an intrnational organization conference such as ICAO. If you are a victim or witness of a behavior of the sort during activities surrounding the ModelICAO, it is important to warn the officials of the Organizing Committee as soon as possible
Following internal investigations, ModelICAO can:
Do nothing ;
Make a verbal reprimand ;
Banish the individual of the conference;
Or any other action that seems appropriate.
Policy on interethnic relations
The main objective of this policy is to denounce the racist behavior and to fight direct and systemic discrimination and harassment based on the origins, skin color, religion, culture or ethnicity. ModelICAO wants to ensure harmonious relations between delegates, members of the organization and other persons participating at the conference, regardless of their origin, skin color, religion, culture or ethnicity. Moreover, this policy seeks to protect the physical and psychological integrity, and the dignity of persons who may be victims of systemic and direct discrimination or racial harassment.
The following behaviors, among others, are considered discriminatory or harassing:
Notes, comments, allusions, jokes or insults denigrating a person because of his origin, skin color, religion, culture, ethnic affiliation, etc.;
Denial of rights or benefits to a person, because of its origin, skin color, religion, culture, ethnic affiliation, etc.;
Retaliation or threats of retaliation against a person because of his origin, skin color, religion, culture, ethnic affiliation, etc.
Such behavior does not belong in an intrnational organization conference such as ICAO. If you are a victim or witness of a behavior of the sort during activities surrounding the ModelICAO, it is important to warn the officials of the Organizing Committee as soon as possible.
Following internal investigations, ModelICAO can :
Do nothing ;
Make a verbal reprimand ;
Banish the individual of the conference;
Or any other action that seems appropriate.
Dress code
Any attire should adhere to the guidelines of professionalism and modesty. If the the clothes of a delegate is deemed inappropriate by ModelICAO staff, he will be asked to leave the conference and return with appropriate attire.
An acceptable held a delegate includes: jacket, pants and clean shirt (with tie for men), and business skirt dress, and dress shoes;
Wearing shorts, caps, jeans, sports shoes, sweaters and sunglasses is considered too casual. Clothing exposing bare skin excessively and revealing underwear are also inadequate;
It is appropriate for delegates to display national symbols such as flags, pins, badges, etc. on their person during the conference.
Holding western case is preferable. Traditional outfits are only permitted for international delegates from countries where holding professional business includes traditional dress. ModelICAO will not tolerate a delegate wears a traditional cultural clothing like a costume.
The faculty advisors, heads of delegation, ICAO member of the organizing committee and volunteers should serve as a model for delegates.
Delegate’s Code of Conduct
During their participation in the ModelICAO, delegates must meet the highest level of professionalism and diplomacy. These two aspects must be applied in all aspects of the participation as delegates, whether in speeches, behaviors or appearances . Anyone participating in the development of the conference must be treated with the highest level of courtesy and respect, and this is the same on social networks or any other electronic platform. Also, the same behavior is expected towards the property of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the host hotel and all ModelICAO partners.
The ModelICAO reserves the right to prevent future inclusion in any student, faculty, or educational institution whose delegates or faculty advisors would go against the code of conduct.
The delegates must:
Maintain and implement the interests and policies of their assigned country. In addition, the views and ideas of other delegates must be respected , even if those same views and ideas are contrary to the interests and policies of delegated or assigned countries.
Collaborate with other delegates when possible;
To be courteous and professional at all times , including on social networks and in electronic communications;
Participate in all sessions of committees ;
Avoid alcohol and other drugs during committee sessions . The possession and / or consumption of illegal drugs is prohibited and the offending delegates will be delivered to the police.
Faculty Advisor’s Code of Conduct
At the ModelICAO, the role of the faculty advisor is to ensure that its delegates maintain a positive and professional approach. ModelICAO’s educational quality is directly connected to the active and professional participation of all delegates. The faculty advisors can ensure this by managing the participation of all delegates in every sessions of their respective committees and to make them understand the diplomacy as practiced at the International Civil Aviation Organization. The faculty advisors must maintain the highest level of professionalism to all participants and members of the ModelICAO.
During the conference, the faculty advisors are encouraged to advise delegates on the development of a state policy or to answer questions of international law, but should not participate in the drafting of resolutions or reports. ModelICAO is an opportunity for delegates to put forward their preparation and research talent. While faculty advisors are encouraged to observe their students from the back of the rooms, participation in formal and informal sessions of the committees is reserved for delegates and staff of the ModelICAO.
Faculty advisors must
When appropriate, provide leadership and information to its own delegates and other delegations;
Answer questions and concerns without interfering with the work of committees or delegates deliberations, whether in formal or informal session;
Reminding delegates that the purpose of the simulation is mainly educational ;
Attend and participate in meetings of faculty advisors ;
To provide suggestions and assistance for new faculty advisors.
Head delegate’s Code of Conduct
The head delegate must show leadership to its delegates and other delegations. They shall attend and participate to every meeting specific to their role during the conference. The head delegate may be assigned to a committee or serve as a consultant. The head delegate assigned to a committee must respect the code of conduct of the delegates. Those who are not assigned to a specific committee should interact with the delegates as a faculty advisor.
Guest’s Code of Conduct
The guest is a category of participants equivalent to an observer. Each delegation can not have more than three guests. They can not be students or faculty advisors, and can not provide support to a delegation. Usually, a guest is an institutional representative, a spouse of a faculty advisor or a financial partner who is interested in earning some exposure to ModelICAO. Guests must adopt the same codes of conduct as the other participants.