May 20-23, 2025
Montreal, Canada
Position Papers
Throughout ModelICAO, it is essential for each delegate to keep in mind the positions of his country on each subjects submitted by the organization. To prepare them, delegates must identify agreements, conventions, resolutions, treaties or other sources of relevant information that affect, directly or indirectly, the official position of their country. Writing the position paper is a valuale opportunity that allows to implement the achievements of the preliminary research.
Each delegation must provide one position paper by committee execpt for the Ambassadors.
The papers of intent may be submitted April 17th, 2024 and will be published on the website April 20, 2024.
The paper must have a maximum length of two pages;
Its content should cover all three subjects. A delegation must submit five position papers;
The French and English are the only languages accepted;
The page citations or footnotes are not required.
Position paper format
The length of the text may not exceed two pages;
The margins are 2.54 cm on all sides;
The font must be Times New Roman, 10 pt or 12 pt;
The text must be justified and single-spaced;
The document must be converted to PDF format;
File names must include the name of the committee and the country. Take the example of Canada, which is in the security committee.
File Name : Sec - Canada.
The document must include the following information:
The name of the country and the name of the committee must appear at the top of the first page;
The subjects clearly identified in three separate sections;
Any other information, other than your main text, such as your affiliated institution, a flag, letterhead, symbol or other, can not appear on the position paper.
How to submit your position paper?
A person, preferably your faculty advisor or head delegate, should send all the position papers at the same time;
Fill in the email subject using the name of the country;
Ex : ICAO - Canada.
Send everything to An email will be sent to you to confirm receipt of your documents.
Plagiarism - zero tolerance
IMPORTANT: SimOACI will not tolerate plagiarism. The position paper, either partially or in its entirety, can not be the result of fraudulent appropriation of someone else’s ideas.
We mean by plagiarism:
Copying a passage from a book, magazine or web page without crediting the source;
Summarize the original idea of an author by expressing it in his own words, but by failing to indicate the source;
Translating a text, either partially or totally, without crediting the source;
Using the work of another person and present it as his own (and even if this person has agreed);
Buy a work on the web;
Or any other reproduction deemed fraudulent by the administration of SimOACI.
Going against this rule could result in the expulsion of the offending student of the ModelICAO.