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Tuesday, May 21


8:30 am: Delegates arrival – ICAO Lobby - 999, Robert-Bourassa, Square-Victoria-OACI Subway


9 am: Opening Conference – Room CR-3, 1st floor


Conference chaired by Vincent Correia, Quebec Society of International Law


12 pm: Lunch – 5th floor


1 pm: Welcome speech – Room CR-3, 1st floor

Geneviève Dufour, Scientific Director, ModelICAO


1:15 pm: Delegates joint session to adopt the agenda – Room CR-3, 1st floor


3:30 pm: Technical Committees


JURI: Room CR-A & CR-B (combined)

SURE: Room CR-3

CAEP: Room CR-4B 

ECON: Room CR-C & CR-D (combined)

SECU: Room CR-6


5:30 pm to 6:45 pm: Opening cocktail – Foyer, 4th floor


M. Salvatore Sciacchitano, Président du Conseil, OACI (by video)
Delphine Micheaux Naudet, Representative of the European Union to ICAO

7 pm: Mandatory exit of ICAO


Drinks and Networking: L'Abreuvoir, 403 Rue Ontario E

Wednesday, May 22


9 am: Delegates arrival ICAO Lobby - 999, Robert-Bourassa, Square-Victoria-OACI Subway

9:15 am to 12 pm: Technical Committees and Council Session


Council – Crisis situation: Room CR-E


JURI: Room CR-A & CR-B (combined)

SURE: Room CR-3

CAEP: Room CR-4B 

ECON: Room CR-C & CR-D (combined)

SECU: Room CR-6

12 pm: Lunch – 5th floor


1 pm to 5:30 pm: Technical Committees and Council Session


Council – Crisis situation: Room CR-E


JURI: Room CR-A & CR-B (combined)

SURE: Room CR-3

CAEP: Room CR-4B 

ECON: Room CR-C & CR-D (combined)

SECU: Room CR-6


6 pm: Mandatory exit of ICAO


Thursday, May 23


9 am: Delegates arrival ICAO Lobby - 999, Robert-Bourassa, Square-Victoria-OACI Subway

9:15 am to 1 pm: Technical Committees and Council Session


Council – Crisis situation: Room CR-E


JURI: Room CR-A & CR-B (combined)

SURE: Room CR-3

CAEP: Room CR-4B 

ECON: Room CR-C & CR-D (combined)

SECU: Room CR-6


1 pm: End of the Crisis Situation

1 pm: Lunch – 5th floor
2 pm to 5:30 pm: Technical Committees


6 pm: Mandatory exit of ICAO


Drinks and Networking: Tiramisu, 989 Bld St-Laurent


Friday, May 24


9:15 am: Delegates arrival ICAO Lobby - 999, Robert-Bourassa, Square-Victoria-OACI Subway

9:30 am to 11:30 am: Technical Committees


JURI: Room CR-A & CR-B (combined)

SURE: Room CR-3

CAEP: Room CR-4B 

ECON: Room CR-C & CR-D (combined)

SECU: Room CR-6


12 pm: Closure of Committees and submission of commented resolutions to the DAIS


12:30 pm: Dissemination of the commented resolutions

12:30  pm: Lunch and Delegates joint session – 5th floor


2 pm: Deadline for tabling amendments on the commented resolutions


2 pm - 3 pm: Careers and professional opportunities
Catherine Guillemart, HO Public Affairs Canada, Airbus representative to ICAO'
Deputy Director, Human Ressources, ICAO (TBC)
Rose-Carmelle Jean, Director - Succession, Workforce and Project Office


3 pm: Dissemination of amendments


4 pm: Council and voting session – Council Room, 3rd floor


5:30 pm to 7:15 pm: Cocktail and Awards – Delegates Lounge, 3rd Floor


Michael Gill, Director, Legal Affairs & External Relations OACI
Catherine Guillemart, HO Public Affairs Canada, Airbus representative to ICAO'
Delphine Micheaux Naudet, Representative of the European Union to ICAO


7:30 pm: Mandatory exit of ICAO


8 pm: Model ICAO Celebration: Soeurs grises, 32 Rue McGill


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